
Edad: 22
Pais: Dinamarca
Profession: Future horticulturist

The trip that brought her to Argentina was closer to home but still, Santiago de Compostela was 800 km to long. It took 39 days of walking 20 km per day.
"I cried so much when I got there. Cried like a baby".

Sol was not afraid of anything. "Fear only paralyses you. I figured out I might as well not be afraid of anything, because then I would stop living".

She was travelling alone for 7 months. " I love travelling alone, cause i get to take all decisions. I usually don´t make any plans. Plan as you go is best for me".

Sol se dio cuenta de mi pequeña adiccion por los mapas, y la lonely planet, y el mini plan que suelo hacer previo a salir de cada ciudad. "you would hate travelling with me, i never know where i am going to end up".

No se.
Sol partio para Iquique, y yo retorne a Purmamarca a buscar mi valija que habia quedado perdida en la comunidad de Jesus.

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