Discovering Miami

In March, I decided to finally visit my dear friend Sofi in Miami. She´d lived there for six years and given the fact that Miami was only USD 700 away (cheap ticket from Buenos Aires), i found no reason as to say NO. Except the fact that I did hold a big judgement against all the latin "wannabies" americans. I did not like them, so i did not like Miami as it was full of pretencious, cheesy bastards. Se que soy una prejuiciosa en ese sentido, y no lo pienso ocultar.
El Miamiense no me cabe...Pero tengo que reconocer que la ciudad esta buenisima.
I am one of those persons that travel only for social reasons. I love discovering cultures and people. So Miami...i don´t know...was never that tempting.
But, i was amazed!!! Amazed because the weather was amazing (it was spring break). Life is healthy with lots of sports included if required. The sea is blue and green and the beaches are incredible (after all we are talking about the caribean), and i love the shop craze that creeps you once you are there. I am not a shopaholic, but prices are so low ( Buenos Aires esta muyy muyy caro), and the offers are just so very very tempting.

Weirdest item bought: Ironing table at IKEA
Rush of pleasure when buying: Books (and getting them delivered!)
Best Buy: Electronics

Best place to stay:
South Beach Miami
Nicest Street: Spañola Way

Best tour: Recorrer el Art District.
Best day: En el SPA del Standard

Si sos argentino el spot para verse con otros argentinos es Noveccento en Brickel.

Bars: so many many many....I will get CHIVI or Domi to recommend.

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